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Heroin Detoxification
What is Detoxification?
Detoxification is a process that allows the body to get rid the drug that's been abused while managing the symptoms of withdrawal that's associated with the substance that's been used. Detox is always the first step taken before addressing the user's heroin addiction and working on their recovery.
Why Should a Heroin User Detox?
When heroin is abused it enters the brain and turns into morphine which then attach to opioid receptors in the brain and throughout the body. When a person is seeking treatment to overcome their addiction to heroin if they haven't gotten rid of the chemicals that are still in their body they will continue to crave the drug and experience withdrawal. Until the chemicals are out of the body and withdrawal symptoms are managed it's hard to focus on recovery. Detoxification can be very uncomfortable for anyone that's abused heroin for any length of time. Due to the intense cravings and uncomfortable symptoms a person experiences during heroin detox, most people relapse before they're able to complete this process if they attempt to detox on their own.
Because repeated heroin use also causes serious health conditions, it's important to seek professional help from a qualified detox center or substance abuse treatment center instead of attempting detox on your own. The longer a person has abused heroin the more intense their cravings and withdrawal symptoms will also be.
Do I still Need Rehab Even Though I'm Going to Detox?
Detoxification is just the first step toward recovery from heroin abuse and addiction. The abuse of heroin doesn't just cause physical dependence it affects a person mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. Physical complications that heroin use has caused besides cravings and withdrawal have to be addressed if present, especially with long term use.

There is much more to recovering from heroin addiction than detoxification and without effective treatment after completing detox, most people go right back to using again in a short period of time.
What is Rapid Detox?
Rapid detoxification takes place under anesthesia and is performed by expert medical professionals and certified anesthesiologists. Rapid detox is a quick method of ridding the body of the drug that's been abused eliminating cravings and withdrawal symptoms. This method of detox is not for everyone and extensive tests are done beforehand to make sure the patient is a good candidate for this form of detoxification.