Heroin Addiction in the News
Many States Seeing a Spike in Heroin Deaths
Heroin is a powerful opioid and popularity of the drug has dramatically risen over the past couple of years in many areas.
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Can You Recognize Symptoms of a Heroin Overdose?
The use of heroin has had a major impact in many regions throughout the U.S. Heroin isn't a drug associated with use in the inner cities like it was many years ago according to new research. Today heroin is commonly used among the middle class in their early twenties living in the suburbs and this is largely due to the widespread abuse of prescription painkillers.
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Dangerous Effects of Vicodin and other Opioid Painkiller Abuse
Opioid analgesics are pharmaceutical medications used to relieve pain from injuries, surgery and other medical conditions. Because of their pain relieving properties, opioids are commonly prescribed medications but unfortunately their pleasurable and sedating side effects also make this class of drugs widely sought after and misused.
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Even Legitimate Use of Painkillers Can Lead to Full Blown Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a serious medical condition that can happen to anyone especially when it comes to prescription opioid pain relievers. Not all prescription pain medications are habit forming but many of them are.
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Grandson Age 7 Brings Grandma's Heroin to School
Heroin is a drug that's used by millions around the word and because use of the illicit drug has become so widespread in this country alone, it's sad to think very little we hear or see in the news comes as a complete shock anymore.
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Woman Didn't Let Hospital Stay Get in the Way of Selling Heroin
Heroin also known as smack, dope, and black tar among numerous other slang terms is unfortunately increasing in availability as well as use nationwide and can be obtained just about anywhere anymore.
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Drug Addiction Often Leads to Theft to Fund Addict's Habit
Heroin alters the way the brain works affecting how a person feels, thinks and how they act. Damaging changes continue to occur in the brain when heroin is used frequently eventually taking away a person's ability to control their use or make sound decisions. Heroin addiction is very powerful and can lead to criminal behavior such as shoplifting, stealing from family and friends, burglary, and even embezzlement if an addict is desperate enough.
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Survivor of Heroin Overdose Shares Her Story to Help Others
Sadly the widespread misuse of powerful painkillers like OxyContin, Vicodin and Dilaudid appears to be a gateway to heroin abuse. Heroin is not only a dangerous drug it's also extremely addictive in all routes of use, it's estimated around twenty three percent of those that use the drug develop addiction.
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Heroin Tainted with Fentanyl can be Deadly
Heroin has become a common topic in the news anymore and unfortunately much of the coverage has been about overdose deaths related to the illicit drug. The amount of heroin users has drastically risen in the U.S. in the past several years and sadly overdose deaths are increasing too.
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Heroin Use has Risen Significantly Since 2002
There's a serious heroin problem taking place just about everywhere anymore. All you have to do is turn on the news or search the web and you'll find numerous reports every day regarding the major increase in heroin users throughout the U.S. Not only has heroin increased in use, the number of deaths related to heroin overdose are also increasing as well.
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Chief Tim Fitch Wants Patrol Cars Equipped with Heroin Overdose Antidote
Today with the abuse of prescription painkillers and heroin being so high, Naloxone the lifesaving antidote that reverses the effects of opioids is being used more than ever because overdose is sadly a common occurrence anymore. Naloxone also known as Narcan, can reverse and even prevent life-threatening symptoms of an opioid overdose if the antidote is administered in time.
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Recent Drug Smuggling Reports
Drug traffickers will often go to great lengths to smuggle their illegal drugs into the United States or from one place to another. Some methods are quite bazaar and even unbelievably painful while others are just downright disturbing, upsetting and heart breaking.
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Substitute Teacher High on Heroin Passes Out in Front of Students in Class
A twenty six year old substitute teacher at Northgate high school was arrested and facing several drug charges CBS Pittsburgh recently reported. The substitute teacher Christopher Chiappetta was high on heroin when he passed out, unbelievably this took place in front of the students during class.
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Florida Heroin Deaths Increased Considerably in 2012
In years past, heroin wasn't a drug that was commonly abused but that's not the case today. Not only is heroin a much sought after drug anymore, users come from all walks of life and sadly they're getting younger. So much of the heroin circulating today is so powerful, highly addictive and sometimes even cut with other dangerous substances, users can overdose very easily.
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Heroin Overdose Car Crash Involving Two Small Children
Heroin addiction is so powerful, an addicts need to use is put above everything else in their life, including their children's safety. Cydney Craft, a mother from Indianapolis faces serious charges according to a recent NBC news report. The woman smashed her vehicle into another car because she overdosed on heroin. Cydney wasn't in the vehicle alone, she had a one year old child and a 6 week old infant in the backseat at the time.
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Children Accidentally and Tragically Ingest Buprenorphine Every Year
The upsurge in opioid addiction isn't just a problem in the United States, this is a very serious problem worldwide. Unlike many other drugs of abuse today, certain prescription painkillers, morphine, heroin and other opiates are abused among people in all age groups and addiction to these drugs is skyrocketing around the world.
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Recent Heroin Busts Can End Up Saving Lives
Heroin is so powerful it completely controls a person once they're addicted and that's what drug dealers are counting on, that's part of the reason they're distributing the drug so potent and cheap right now. The availability of heroin throughout the United States is extremely high because massive amounts of the illegal drug are continuously being trafficked into the country anymore.
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Effective Treatment for Opioid Addiction
The abuse of morphine and narcotic pain medications is just as destructive to the individual, family members, economy and society as any other drug of abuse. Thousands upon thousands of people die every year from an overdose involving prescription painkillers, because they're such powerful drugs. For example, 14,800 people died in 2008 from an overdose involving prescription pain medications and sadly because they're still so widely abused, opioid fatal overdoses will continue to increase.
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Heroin Use, Abuse and Addiction
Heroin is one of the most dangerous, life-threatening and addicted drugs that are used for recreational use. Heroine is highly addicted from the very first use and is actually a processed form of morphine which the individual will snort, inject or smoke.
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"Black Shadow", A Dangerous Heroin Mix in Southeast Michigan
A huge number of people entering into substance abuse rehab programs today are addicted to opiate painkillers because the abuse of narcotic pain medications have reached epidemic levels in the past several years. Strong painkillers have become a popular drug of choice among many teens and young adults, and now a growing number of young people are in need of treatment for opiate addiction.
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White Powder Heroin Reaching the Streets of South Charlotte, NC
In many areas throughout the U.S., heroin is sold on the streets in a white or brownish powder form and is also available as a sticky black substance referred to as black tar heroin. Heroin in all forms is very powerful and destructive and users can easily become physically and psychologically addicted with frequent use.
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Dangerous Synthetic Form of Fentanyl Seized in Montreal
The synthetic opiate painkiller known as Fentanyl is a schedule II prescription drug that's used to treat severe pain symptoms and comes in many different forms. The Fentanyl patch is commonly prescribed to patients with cancer or for those that suffer from chronic forms of pain. Drug dealers appear to have chemically modified fentanyl now and have illegally developed an even more powerful and dangerous form of the opiate drug which is known as Desmethyl Fentanyl.
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Woman Under the Influence of Heroin Kills 2 Elderly People in St. Peters, MO.
Use to be when we got behind the wheel to go anywhere we only had to worry about others on the road possibly operating their vehicle while under the influence of alcohol if they were driving a little erratic but that's definitely not true anymore.
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Naloxone Spray Available In Du Page County
Due to the continued misuse of prescription pain medications and abuse of heroin, opiate related overdose rates have risen drastically in the past several years. Opiates are very powerful and addictive drugs and are commonly misused among teens and young adults. Narcotic painkillers are extremely dangerous when they're taken in high doses which ends up happening to people that become addicted to them after a while when they're misused.Depending on the circumstances surrounding an opiate overdose, a person can die in a short period of time if they don't receive medical help immediately. Naloxone is a powerful drug that can counteract the effects of an opiate drug overdose if it's administered in time, but not everyone is fortunate enough to receive help right away.
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21 Year Old Woman Fakes Devastating Illness to Fund Her Heroin Habit
Sadly there's nothing some people won't do to obtain money to supply their habit if they're addicted to drugs including fake a devastating illness that millions of people continue to struggle with or have died from. A twenty one year old woman from Long Island developed a strategy to fund her heroin addiction by faking inoperable cancer of the brain and bones.
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Teen Charged in Heroin Overdose Death
When illicit drugs like heroin are involved in a person's life they don't realize just how quickly their life can change in an instant even if they're not the one that lost their life due to a lethal overdose. It doesn't matter if a person sells or gives heroin or other illegal drugs to another person, if they die from an overdose that individual can be held responsible and charged with their death.
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Heroin Users Beware
Heroin itself is an extremely dangerous drug but today a user can never be too sure that the heroin they're injecting, snorting or smoking hasn't been tainted with other drugs or contaminants. Because the use of heroin is increasing among many people addicted to prescription painkillers, users need to be aware of the possible added risks.
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Illegal Heroin Operations in Wealthy Neighborhoods
Heroin use isn't the only thing increasing in affluent communities. Even if you live in a nice quiet suburban neighborhood you still can never be too sure how safe it is and, how well do we really know our neighbors anyway? Not only is the use of heroin not just an inner city problem anymore but, drug dealers are also operating their illegal businesses in upper scale communities now too. Some drug dealers are running their illegal heroin operations in affluent neighborhoods hoping to avoid being noticed by authorities and those who may want to rob them.
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Heroin Isn't Just an Inner City Problem
In years past inner city neighborhoods is where substance abuse more commonly occurred but that isn't the case anymore. High rates of drug abuse are just as prevalent anymore in middle class suburbs, upper middle class neighborhoods and in wealthier communities. Heroin is definitely becoming a drug of concern in many areas throughout the United States and not just a problem in lower income neighborhoods.
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Heroin Abuse in the Twin Cities
Heroin is available in Twin Cities and it is inexpensive and high in purity. Substance abuse trends continually change in areas of the United States and for several years heroin use had decreased in some areas and the abuse of synthetic drugs and narcotic painkillers began to increase. Heroin abuse is beginning to increase in many areas anymore partially due to reduced availability of narcotic painkillers and other prescription opiate medications. The abuse of prescription pain relievers rapidly increased because they were so readily available and drug trends began to shift.
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Serious Health Risk Linked to the Abuse of Painkiller Opana Extended-Release
Intravenous drug use is probably much more common than we realize and it isn't just associated with the use of street drugs like heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine. Narcotic pain medications like Opana ER are also drugs that are widely abused today and many people choose to inject the painkiller after crushing them. Opana ER is a timed released opioid medication that's prescribed to individuals in need of treatment for around the clock for pain.
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Women Survive After Overdosing on Heroin
Reports of heroin overdose continue to increase throughout the U.S. and not everyone is fortunate enough to survive like the women found in a McDonald's restroom in Midland, Michigan did not long ago. Fortunately an employee of McDonald's called 911 after finding five women who seemed to be sleeping in the women's restroom. Paramedics were able to reverse the heroin's effects and then four of the women in their early twenties were taken to "Mid-Michigan Medical Center" for additional treatment according to mlive.com.
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Couple Shooting Heroin in Parking Lot Leads to Arrests
Most people don't pay attention to what's going on around them and even if they do spot someone doing something dangerous or illegal, they don't always do something about it. Not long ago though, a person witnessed something going on and instead of ignoring the situation, they did something about it. In a Lowe's parking lot, 2 people were spotted shooting up by a resident who then contacted police reporting what they saw according to standard.net.
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Heroin Users Unknowingly Spread Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a viral disease that leads to swelling (inflammation) of the liver. One of the ways Hepatitis C is spread from one person to another is by sharing infected needles used to inject street drugs such as heroin. Because there aren't always early symptoms of the disease, an infected heroin user can easily spread the virus to others by sharing needles without even knowing they themselves have Hepatitis C yet. According to PubMed, most people infected with the viral disease don't have any symptoms in the beginning.
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Pregnant Mothers AddictedTo Heroin and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome can occur in a newborn if the unborn child is exposed to illegal drugs like heroin or even prescription drugs like Diazepam (Valium) while in the womb according to MedlinePlus. Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine, Marijuana and Opiates are all addictive drugs that can cause neonatal abstinence syndrome if they're taken during pregnancy.
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Dogs Hooked on Heroin
Drug dealers deliberately hook their dogs on heroin. People aren't the only ones that become addicted to drugs like heroin after repeated use, in Scotland some drug dealers resort to intentionally getting their pets hooked on drugs to make them more aggressive and hostile according to an article on Scottish News. Drug dealers inject their dogs with heroin and according to a rescue center in Scotland, out of every ten dogs, four of them are "hooked on drugs". Drugged dogs are even trained by drug dealers to attack anyone wearing a uniform according to Ian Robb from Angus Dog Shelter.
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Officer Spots Driver Shooting Heroin
We have all spotted people doing crazy and dangerous things while they're driving that puts everyone's life in danger. We have probably all seen young people as well as adult's doing things while they're operating a motor vehicle that are risky and unsafe like; drinking alcohol, texting, yacking on the phone, arguing with their kids, putting on makeup, reading, messing with their iPad and even men shaving which I have seen myself.
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Recent Heroin Arrests
Nine hundred and fifty bags of heroin were found when police in Johnstown Pennsylvania arrested a suspected heroin dealer not long ago. The heroin was in baggies inside the home of Marco Crowe according to wjactv.com. Due to an undercover drug purchase back in August police were able to confirm the man was selling heroin. Street value of the heroin found was between twelve thousand and fifteen thousand dollars, which is a good size bust.
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Another Reason To Avoid Prescription Drug Abuse
Once a person becomes addicted to pain meds like Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Demerol or other prescription narcotic analgesics, they have to continue their use to avoid very uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Compulsive cravings and uncomfortable physical symptoms of withdrawal begin to kick in once the high and other opiate effects begin to wear off so people feel an intense need to repeat their abuse.
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Recent Heroin Seizures
The use of heroin is increasing in many areas throughout the United States now that opiate pain medications aren't as easy to obtain and the cost on the streets have increased. Many people dependent on pain medications are substituting heroin now so the demand for the drug is rising which is why the availability of the drug is so high in certain areas.
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Heroin Addiction Among Young People in Las Vegas
It doesn't matter where you live or what economic background you come from every state is dealing with the effects heroin abuse is having on their residents and sadly many of them are young teens. Today more and more teens are battling drug addiction than ever before and heroin is one of the drugs young people are becoming dependent on. Not only are heroin users getting younger but they come from all walks of life, not just young people living in the poorer communities which is something most people don't realize.
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Rare Bacterial Infection Anthrax and Contaminated Heroin
The low cost and increased availability of heroin throughout the United States is making it much easier for prescription drug users to switch to heroin now that prescription drugs aren't as easy to get anymore. There are so many people abusing painkillers and other prescription drugs today or that are addicted to them they're desperate to find an alternative drug that's similar to their drug of choice which are commonly pain pills. The effects a person receives when abusing Vicodin and other opiate medications are so similar to heroin's effects people are turning to the illegal drug to replace their habit with unfortunately.
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Newborn Opiate Pain Pill Withdrawal Symptoms
Prescription pain pill addiction continues to be a problem in spite of the fact that they?re much harder to get today and the costs on the streets have increased. If pregnant mothers were the only ones affected by their prescription painkiller abuse it would be one thing, still devastating but no one else would be suffering. That?s not the case though, daily there are babies born experiencing serious uncomfortable and painful withdrawal symptoms associated with their mother?s use of opiate painkillers during their pregnancy, and they?re struggling to survive.
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Fatal Overdose Risks Increase Due to the Abuse of Pure Heroin
Heroin abuse continues to rise in many areas throughout the United States and more and more young people are turning to the drug for various reasons. Heroin is a drug that people are beginning to abuse because their original drug of choice, prescription painkillers, are getting harder to get and the cost is increasing because of it also. Prescription drug monitoring is making it more difficult for people to obtain their pain pills and because heroin is also an opiate and produces the same form of euphoria, young people are switching to the powerful drug.
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Heroin Body Packers and Body Stuffing
You may have heard of the terms 'body packing or 'body stuffing' but didn't quite understand what they meant. These terms are associated with the concealment of illegal drugs like heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and even some narcotics. When a courier or drug smuggler wants to hide substances when transporting them from one place to another, they will commonly conceal their drugs in tiny balloons, condoms or small packets. They will either swallow the drugs or hide them rectally or vaginally so they will be undetected by authorities.
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Deadly Heroin Combos, is the More Intense High Really Worth the Risk?
Heroin is an extremely powerful drug by itself that's taken the lives of many people throughout the years but today, heroin can be found mixed with other substances making heroin use even more dangerous and deadly. Some people are very fortunate, when they experiment with heroin use they're able to use the drug once or twice and walk away from it but that's not how it is for most people. Once most people start shooting up, smoking or snorting heroin, they're hooked and it's only a matter of time before they're addicted.
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Heroin Users Risk Fatal Overdose and Sometimes Innocent Children Do To
People just don't realize how easily they can overdose when abusing drugs and not everyone is fortunate enough to receive help if they do, sadly many people have died because they didn't receive medical help soon enough. It doesn't matter what kind of drug is being abused either, if it's potent enough, cut with a dangerous substance, or combined with alcohol or other drugs an overdose can take place very fast.
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Vivitrol Treatment Used to Help with Opioid Addiction
What is Vivitrol?Vivitrol is a drug that was approved in 2010 by the FDA for treating people dependent on heroin, morphine and other opiate drugs. After the patient has gone through their detoxification process, Vivitrol can be administered by a physician via injection once a month to help prevent relapse. Vivitrol is an extended release formula of naltrexone and helps the patient from craving opiate drugs while they're recovering from opioid addiction.
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Structured Living Environments Making a Positive Difference During a Heroin Addict's Recovery
Most people seeking help for their heroin use do so because they're already addicted to the drug. Unfortunately not everyone receives treatment that's effective enough to help them maintain their abstinence during recovery because they're unable to enter into an inpatient residential treatment facility to recover. Not all outpatient heroin treatment programs provide intense forms of treatment either and the heroin addict doesn't really learn how to live life without shooting up, snorting the drug or smoking it.
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Abusing Fentanyl Combined with Heroin Can Lead to Death
Fentanyl is a man-made opiate that's used to treat severe pain and is legally prescribed to patients sometimes if they suffer from chronic pain or pain experienced due to surgery. Fentanyl is stronger than morphine and is a very powerful drug and because there is also potential for abuse and addiction, it's classified as a schedule II prescription drug. When Fentanyl comes in prescription form it goes by the names Actiq, Duragesic, and Sublimaze.
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Information and Hope for Those Addicted to Heroin in St. Louis
It doesn't matter what part of the United States you live in there are an enormous amount of people addicted to heroin, but some areas like St. Louis Missouri are seeing a huge increase in heroin users at epidemic levels. The use of heroin in St. Louis has become so widespread and lethal it's commonly talked about on the morning and evening news anymore.
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Overcoming Heroin Addiction and Helping Others
No matter how many poor choices we make in our life when it comes to abusing alcohol, heroin or other drugs we can change, overcome addiction and get our life back. Thousands of men and women, young and older, have been able to stop drinking or using drugs and live happy lives because of their determination, hard work and healthy support.
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Injecting Heroin Continues to Pose New Risks
A form of heroin referred to as 'black tar heroin' is still being abused and illegally trafficked and smuggled throughout the country today. It's unknown for sure how many people actually abuse black tar heroin because most people just refer to their drug of choice as heroin. The consistency and appearance of black tar is different than the white or brown heroin which is a powder form, black tar is a sticky substance.
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Injecting Heroin - 14 is Much too Young to Die
Fourteen years old is much too young to lose your life, this is the age when you're really just beginning to experience life, meeting new friends, enjoying a new crush and listening to your 'new favorite song'. This isn't the time in your life that you should be taking dangerous risks experimenting with drugs of any kind. Today though, many young teens are either experimenting with alcohol, street drugs, prescription medications or sadly, they're already addicted to them.
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Another Precious Life Lost Due to Heroin Overdose
We don't have to talk with many people today to either hear about someone that lost their life to heroin use or that knows someone who's dependent on the drug. It's extremely sad because you would think that by now due to the vast amount of lives that have been affected by heroin use we would be hearing less and less about this addictive street drug. There are still an unbelievable amount of people injecting heroin to get high and there are many chronically addicted heroin users throughout the United States living day to day dependent on the powerful drug.
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We Can Help Others When We Share Heroin Addiction Stories
The most important thing we can do is to continue to educate our young people about the dangers and risks associated with substance abuse. We just can't say enough on this subject today and I admire anyone who speaks out and talks about their own addiction to heroin in hopes of helping others sharing the same addiction. There are an enormous amount of heroin users who have received treatment and are successfully managing their recovery.
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Heroin Use and the Deadly Consequences
The appearance of heroin can vary depending on where it comes from and how pure it is. Most of the time heroin is sold in white or off white powder form. Usually the whiter the color, the purer the heroin is. Heroin can also be found in a hard type substance that's black in color almost like tar, this is known as 'black tar heroin'. It doesn't matter which form of heroin a person uses, they're all addictive and can lead to an overdose which can be fatal unfortunately.
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Drug Smugglers go to Great Lengths Sometimes to Conceal Their Illegal Substances
Illegal drug trafficking into the United States is nothing new drug dealers are constantly looking for ways to move their illegal substances from one destination to another. People will go to great lengths when it comes to smuggling heroin and other drugs in and out of the country and will even conceal the drugs in various ways in hopes of them not being found if caught.
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It's Time to Take Heroin Abuse Seriously
It doesn't take long after a person injects or snorts heroin for the user to experience the effects, the drug gets into the bloodstream and reaches the brain very fast where it's then converted into morphine and the user begins to experience feelings of intense pleasure. This of course can be very intense if the user administers high doses or for first time users. Chronic frequent users need larger doses to experience intense pleasure but they're also administering the drug in order to function.
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Pregnancy and Painkiller Addiction
Today opioid painkillers are widely abused by people in all age groups which include teenagers and young adults. Many woman have are addicted to painkillers and become pregnant and continue abusing them throughout their pregnancy. Prescription pain medications like Vicodin and OxyContin are very powerful and addictive narcotics and when abused during pregnancy they're not only dangerous for the mother, but also to their unborn child.
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Couple Unconscious from Heroin with Child in Back Seat
When a person uses drugs like heroin or any other substance it doesn't just affect them, it affects loved ones as well. The choices that are made when it comes to abusing drugs like heroin, Xanax or other substances not only put the user's life in danger but sadly others too. This goes to show you just how desperate and impaired a person's thinking and comprehension becomes when they abuse heroin or other substances or have become addicted to them.
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Officer Resigns after Being Accused of Smoking Heroin in Police Car
Heroin is abused by people of all ages and in all walks of life but it's still shocking when you find out certain people use the drug. A police officer ended up resigning after he smoked heroin in his patrol vehicle according to KSL.com. The officer had been with the police department for around five years. This goes to show you that teenagers and young people aren't the only ones that make poor choices or abuse drugs.
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Quarter of a Million Dollar Heroin Bust at Dulles Airport
A huge heroin trafficking ring has been busted that was "working out of Dulles International Airport" according to WUSA9.com and they were using couriers to smuggle the drugs coming from Ghana to Dulles. Couriers were earning 15 thousand dollars for every trip they made carrying a kilo of heroin that's worth a quarter of a million dollars on the streets. Four people were arrested during take-downs.
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Chicago Police Bust Man with Heroin and Cocaine Worth $250,000
Stopping a suspicious looking vehicle pays off for police. After stopping a vehicle that appeared suspicious in Riverside, police not only found the man's license was suspended but they also found money and bags of ecstasy too according to WGNtv.com. This eventually led police to finding a "heroin distribution center" in the man's apartment. There was drug paraphernalia, a handgun and drugs valued at $250.000 found during the search.
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Vegas Task Force Heroin, Cocaine and Meth Shipment Bust
In one month of this year, more drugs were found in Las Vegas than were found in the previous year according to FOX5News and traffic stops were responsible for finding them. Traffic stops were conducted by law enforcement officers that belong to a drug task force. Among the drugs found during traffic stops were large amounts of heroin, cocaine, meth, and marijuana.
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Man Charged with Murder after Injecting Women with Heroin Leading to Her Death
Anytime a person abuses drugs they risk an overdose which could be fatal but combining drugs poses an even higher risk for fatal overdose. Fox5News in Las Vegas reports a woman died after being injected with a "fatal dose of heroin"from a man that was later charged with her murder.
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Man Arrested After Distributing Heroin Leading to Overdoses
The use of heroin is increasing among teenagers and young adults in many areas and the risks involved with using drugs like cocaine or heroin unfortunately include overdose and sometimes death. Fatal overdoses have taken place recently in Simi Valley according to KTLA.com which their law enforcement is investigating.
A fatal heroin and cocaine overdose took place in Simi Valley and the 23 year old that distributed the drugs pled guilty to narcotics charges according to their report. The 23 year old also confessed to distributing drugs that resulted in other overdose deaths as well.
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Medical Clinics Shut Down after Employees Suspected of Catering to Heroin Addicts
Prescription drugs like painkillers and other medications are obtained from drug sources in many different ways and sometimes the original source may surprise you.
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Michigan Heroin Bust with a Street Value of $150 Million
Thankfully a huge amount of illegal drugs are seized before they can be distributed and continue to destroy addicts and their families lives or get into the hands of young teens while drug dealers line their own pockets with cash. What started with a traffic stop resulted in an unbelievable find later.
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Orlando Police Bust Heroin Ring after Car Parts Found with Heroin Inside
Illegal drugs are smuggled into the United States via the mail sometimes and fortunately this package aroused suspicion and led to an arrest. According to wftv.com an international drug ring attempted to do just that and sent the package from Costa Rica to Orlando.
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Pilot Receives Hefty Sentence for Heroin and Cocaine Bust
There are many different ways heroin and other drugs are trafficked from state to state and sometimes the quantities are huge and so is the value. A guy from Arizona found out the prison term is too if you get busted.
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Heroin Revenues and Weaponry Scheme
Heroin traffickers continue to keep the dangerous drug on our streets but to think that profits could put dangerous weapons in the hands of terrorists and militant groups like Hezbollah is serious and scary. Fortunately this scheme was prevented from taking place and arrests were made.
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There is Life After Chronic Heroin Addiction, and Here's Proof
Heroin isn't an easy drug addiction to recover from especially for chronic long time users. Most drug addicts are unable to see themselves recovering from addiction because their life has sunk so low and they can't see beyond the moment. Many heroin users end up in prison and feel there's no way they can ever turn their life around.
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Heroin User Dies from Heroin Overdose and Dealer Held Responsible
Drug dealers don't care how many lives they ruin when selling drugs like heroin to users, they only care about the money and not getting caught. It's comforting to know that drug dealers are being held responsible not only for selling drugs like heroin if they're caught, but for the user's death if it's related to an heroin overdose.
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St. Louis Sends Clear Message to Heroin Traffickers
Today the availability and use of heroin is very high in some states and because this drug is so powerful and addictive it's destroying the lives of anyone that abuses it including their families. When a person becomes addicted to heroin it's extremely hard to recover. Unfortunately today many young people are experimenting with drugs and heroin is one of them. Because of the availability of heroin in some areas, overdose deaths have increased.
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