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Injecting Heroin - 14 is Much too Young to Die

Fourteen years old is much too young to lose your life, this is the age when you're really just beginning to experience life, meeting new friends, enjoying a new crush and listening to your 'new favorite song'. This isn't the time in your life that you should be taking dangerous risks experimenting with drugs of any kind. Today though, many young teens are either experimenting with alcohol, street drugs, prescription medications or sadly, they're already addicted to them.
Many young children start to experiment with drugs or alcohol before the age of 12 and by the time they're in their mid-teens they're already dependent on them. Young people just don't understand the seriousness involved with abusing drugs and the risks they're taking when they use them. Like I said, at the age of 14 a teen's life should be filled with friends, music, fun, laughter and innocent dreams, not experimenting with a new drug.
Injecting drugs like heroin to get high is much more common than we may think and many young people who experiment with substance abuse are apt to try heroin to see what it's like. No matter what drug a person chooses to experiment with, they risk the chance of dying due to overdose or other health related issues.
Sadly 14 year old Jena Dolstad who lived in Alaska lost her life after being injected with heroin. The young teen wanted to try something new and a 26 year old man allegedly injected her with the drug and she later died.
Young teens aren't the only ones experimenting with drugs like heroin or that become dependent on them and risk death due to their drug use. A twenty five year old woman from Edwardsville was recently found slumped over in her parked car; she died of a possible heroin overdose according to