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Demerol Withdrawal Symptom Information

Demerol is a prescription narcotic analgesic drug used to treat the symptoms of moderate to severe pain. A person who is addicted to Demerol and abruptly stops use will have severe withdrawal symptoms. With the use of Demerol a person will develop dependence or tolerance to the drug and that is what leads to addiction.

Many individuals who take Demerol in high doses over a long period of time will find they cannot manage without it and need to take more and more. If they stop using Demerol they will go through a very uncomfortable withdrawal. Many abusers will not choose to stop using the drug because of the fear of having to get through withdrawal. However if an individual is seeking treatment, the right program will make the withdrawal a more tolerable experience. In treatment a patient will be supervised by a medical staff specializing in managing the symptoms of withdrawal and can help to eliminate discomfort and pain. Withdrawal symptoms will set in within a few hours after the last use and will continue for up to two weeks after.

Demerol Withdrawal Signs and Symptoms

A painkiller such as Demerol is an opioid drug. Opioid drugs have similar withdrawal symptoms even though each individual may experience them differently. The most common withdrawal sign of Demerol will be an intense craving for the drug once the use of this drug is discontinued or decreased. If a user tries to stop "cold turkey" the withdrawal symptoms will be very painful and uncomfortable and may impose certain health risks.

Symptoms will also depend on the severity of abuse the individual had. If the addict was a hardcore abuser, and may have combined the use of Demerol with alcohol and/or other drugs, the withdrawal will be much worse. Some signs of Demerol withdrawal include:

A person will also experience a degree of painful symptoms including muscular aches and cramps, bone pain and muscular spasms.

quoteDemerol has a tremendous amount of negative and even possibly fatal side effects on the body. It can cause rapid heart rate, hypertension and arrhythmias especially if taken in high doses. It may also cause respiratory depression and shallow breathing. After taking Demerol in very high doses an overdose may occur. A person may experience that their breathing is getting slower and shallower until it eventually stops all together. If by chance the person was taking antidepressant drugs along with Demerol it may result in extremely high blood pressure and the person may have a heart attack or stroke.quote_right

Dangerous reactions can occur if Demerol is administered while a patient is taking other narcotic pain medications, sedatives, tranquilizers, muscle relaxers, or other medications that can make them sleepy or slow respiratory function. An addiction to Demerol is serious and abusers should seek professional treatment to avoid a possible fatal outcome.

Demerol Abuse Treatment Options

Long term abusers of Demerol should not abruptly stop taking this medication as severe withdrawal symptoms will occur. The abuser should taper off this medication slowly by entering a safe detoxification program at a reliable rehabilitation center. There they will be under 24 hour medical supervision and can be monitored throughout their detox. For severe addition from the long term use of Demerol an inpatient rehab is highly recommended.

At an inpatient rehab facility, it is medically-supervised and a multi-disciplinary approach will be utilized. Sometimes a doctor at a rehab center will even prescribe certain medications for the patient to allow for a safer detoxification and to lessen the withdrawal symptoms. These medications may or may not include Benzodiazepine drugs, which will have a calming and sedative effect on the addict. This medicine will also serve as anti-depressant to allow for a better psychological out look towards recovery as a whole.

Also, the patient or addict under care will be given a variety of behavioral health treatments. This will include psychological counseling and therapy. Therapy at a rehabilitation center will be given by a psychologist who has been specifically trained to treat addiction. Therapy sessions are usually given to the patient one on one or in a group setting. These therapy sessions are highly useful in preventing relapse and allow for a patient to express his or her feelings in a nonjudgmental setting together with other addicts who understand what they are going through. Treatment options will ultimately depend on the degree of addiction but rehabilitation has the highest success rate in allowing for a full recovery and a fresh start on a drug free life.


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